Is bullfighting illegal in France?
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Is bullfighting illegal in France?

Yes. Well, sort of. While France has banned the traditional bullfight where the bull is killed in the ring, there are still ten departments in the south and southwest of France where it is allowed to continue. Why? Because it is considered a longstanding, uninterrupted tradition. Hm. As if saying, “well we’ve always tortured and…

What is a good itinerary for a van trip in France?
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What is a good itinerary for a van trip in France?

This week’s article is all about the first leg of our extended van trip; where we went, what we saw, where we stayed and my overall reflections. Um, sometimes my reflections are muddy and I’m often left with more questions than answers, but, well, whatever. It keeps things interesting. What is a good itinerary for…

Why we are travelling France now

Why we are travelling France now

What is it that we love about travelling in a van? Ever since I’ve known my husband, he’s always talked about his love of travel. That was in 1984 when we met and even way back then, his idea of a blissful life was to take off and go live in nature, generally as far…